Choosing Happiness

Happiness! One of my favorite topics. I really resonate with a book I want to tell you about because I don’t just think, I KNOW, happiness is a choice.

Today my friend and bestselling publisher Linda Joy released Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness featuring the soul-inspiring stories of 27 amazing women who share their intimate stories of transformation. Choosing Happiness also includes Reflection Questions after each story which will empower you to integrate the vital lessons of each woman’s journey into your own life. For a limited time you can get over 40 transformational gifts with your copy of Choosing Happiness. Grab your copy today>

When I was diagnosed with cancer at 35, life spun out of control for me. I was numb. I was fortunate and the cancer was contained with surgery; however, there is always a cost for everything.

In my numbed state of mind, I opted for a radical hysterectomy and catapulted myself into menopause. Talk about an E-Ticket ride. Mood swings, depression, hot flashes, anxiety, weight gain; you name it, I had it. Yowza.

I followed mainstream advice and adopted the ‘better living through chemistry’ mantra with gusto. One pill had a certain side effect which led to another pill, with its own glorious side effect, until I woke up one day with a bevy of lovely colored pills I needed to pop just to feel like facing the day.

Things were grim, but my gut told me all this information from the experts was not right for me. That’s when I made a choice; a choice to listen to myself as the steward of this precious vessel that houses my soul. I made the choice to be happy – come hell or high water. I am determined if nothing else!  🙂

Was it easy? I don’t know, I suppose that is subjective. I chose to not define my transformation to sustainable health as easy or hard. It is a lifestyle for me. It is how I choose to live each and every glorious day on this Earth.

There are a great many things we have absolutely no control over in this life. Yet, we resolutely hold on to the notion that we do. This ties us up in knots and keeps our inner voice drowned out with frustration. Taking time to relax the body and mind catapults you over the abyss and gets you in touch with your intuition. Once you tap into that deep wisdom, choices become easier.

I invite you to share how you are choosing happiness in the comments below or schedule a Discovery Session with me to start your path to sustainable life and health.


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